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If you're trying to lose weight, you probably find the holidays to be a real challenge in this area. During this time of year, there seems to be fattening foods wherever we look. You don't have to go trick-or-treating to be exposed to Halloween candy, and after that it only gets worse as holiday meals and parties are everywhere, causing many people to forget all about their diets. Temptations are everywhere! Is it even possible to emerge unscathed from the holiday season? We'll now explore some techniques for staying on track with your weight loss goals despite all of the holiday distractions and temptations you may face.

Make sure you keep up with your exercise program, and even throw it into overdrive. That way, you'll be able to work off those calories you take in at holiday meals and parties. You may as well just accept the fact that you'll be taking in more calories for the next few weeks or so. If you burn off calories at the gym (or wherever you work out), those holiday calories won't have to cause you to pack on extra pounds. There are all sorts of ways that you can increase the amount of working out you do every day without having to severely cut into your schedule. A little bit of research can help you turn up lots of information. One of the most traditional activities during the holidays is eating until you feel overly full. We may even go to the extreme of wearing loose clothing so we don't notice the size of our stomachs. Rather than making it easy for yourself to overindulge, you should make yourself wear items that fit tightly. A belt that restricts you is very useful in this regard. If you start gaining weight, the belt will become even tighter, which will be a warning sign to take it easy. As taking off your belt in public would look rather strange, you'll probably opt for the easier route of limiting your intake of food.

While teaming up with someone who's also trying to lose weight is helpful no matter what season it is, during the holidays it can be even more beneficial. This can be anyone who is trying to reduce their weight, whether a friend, neighbor or co-worker. It can help to have someone to turn to when you feel overwhelmed by all the ways the holidays encourage you to overindulge. You can commiserate with each other. You will have a better chance of succeeding with your holiday weight loss efforts if you have someone to help you plan and stay true to your diet and exercise program.

If you're committed to controlling your weight over the holidays, you can do it. We tend to believe that the holidays are a time for gaining weight, but they do not have to be. You don't have to skip the holiday feasts everyone enjoys or even the occasional treat, as long as you keep your diet and exercise program in mind most of the time.