Archive for April 23rd, 2010

Cameras and hydrophones off Lime Kiln

Snug Harbor to Snug Harbor

We woke to a very quiet boat this morning since two of our crew, Jason and Scott, were on land. We picked them up and decided to head down to Line Kiln to try and find the missing hydrophones with the SplashCam. On the way we hit perfect sailing weather and got some sailing practice in preparation for the race tomorrow. When we got to Lime Kiln we deployed the camera and all was going great for about 20 minuets until the cord got caught on the starboard propeller and got damaged. Since it was caught pretty good, Scott had to dive down and unwrap it manually! He managed to successfully unwrap the cable. Then we decided to get some practice deploying the hydrophones. First we deployed the blue 4-hydrophone array, which I call Blueberry. That went smoothly and we got to record around the lighthouse to test if the lighthouse array is getting interference from the lighthouse or from something in the water. After we brought Blueberry back on to the ship we deployed the flat-frequency-response hydrophone, “Hiphone”, which Libby will be using for her project. We tested it at a few different speeds to see what towing speed has the least interference. We had some animal sightings, including an otter and a harbor seal.

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